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Fiona, UK – Raw Health Coach

Fiona, UK

Fiona, UK
January 30, 2019 Stacey

In March 2017 I went to Rome for a romantic anniversary with my partner and ended up being admitted to Hospital in agonising pain. It wasn’t until I got home and went to the Hospital here that I was advised I had severe anaemia and fibroids so large they were equivalent to a 17 week pregnancy. This caused me to gain weight, I was lethargic, had very heavy periods that lasted for 2 weeks at a time, I was restless, suffered from chronic back pain and low concentration. I was told my symptoms would only be resolved by having a hysterectomy and I was given tablets to reduce my symptoms until the operation took place.
I decided that I didn’t want my womb removed and sought help from Stacey as I was aware of her work and knew people she had previously treated successfully.
I had a one to one meeting with Stacey advising of my condition and how I felt and she wrote a diet plan specially for me.
Within months of following this plan I had energy, lost weight, my concentration increased, I wasn’t in pain and my periods were not as heavy or long.
I feel like I have a better body and the best part is my fibroids have shrunk and are continually shrinking. With the progress I have made it means that I now don’t have to have a hysterectomy! The advice and nutrition plan have saved my womb hurrah!
I am so pleased with my results so thank you Stacey